Grace is Gone

Occasionally you read a novel that’s so cleverly plotted, with such a brilliant twist, that once you finish it you just want to start all over again. Grace is Gone is one of those books. When I turned the final page I was desperate to go back and find all the things I missed – the subtleties of dialogue, signposting and foreshadowing – that Emily Elgar deploys so masterfully.

Grace has been sick for years and her mother, Meg, is a devoted carer with boundless love and optimism in the face of her daughter’s pain. There are no two more beloved people in the community. Their bond is unbreakable. That is, until Meg is murdered and it is discovered that Grace is missing. Who would have taken her, and why? These are questions that nobody can answer, but time is running out, because without her medication Grace only has days to live . . .

Based on a real-life case that shocked the world, Grace is Gone is a compulsive thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat, dying to work out what happened to Grace and whether she can be saved before it’s too late.

Callum Kenny