Seven Book Club Questions for Seven Lies

For all Book Club members, here’s a special treat for you…


Here are Seven Questions on Seven Lies to kickstart your book group discussion.


Jane’s first lie about her real opinion of Charles is arguably the catalyst for the events of the novel. Would you have lied in that that situation? Should friends always be honest with each other no matter how difficult the truth might be to hear?


At the start of Chapter 2 Jane states that this is her attempt to tell the truth.
To what extent do you feel that she is honest with the reader?


In Chapter 6 Jane asserts that it’s important the reader understand her relationship with her mother. What bearing do you think this relationship has on the rest of the novel?


Did you find Jane a sympathetic narrator? How, if at all, did your opinion of her change
as the story progressed?


Jane idolises Marnie. Do you think the reader is intended to share her view?


How do the themes of power and control manifest themselves throughout the novel?


In your opinion, which of the seven lies was the most understandable and which the least?


Seven Lies is out now in hardback, audio and ebook.